Saturday, December 8, 2007

Missing CIA Torture Videos

The CIA says it has destroyed video's of the questioning of two suspects in a terrorist investigation. Just got rid of them. Worried that they would compromise agent's identities. No problem with the questioning you understand. Just a security problem.

Why aren't we outraged? What does it take to make us angry with our government. They lied to us going into a war. Lied...knew there were no weapons of mass destruction, said there were, invaded a country, killed hundreds of thousands and then said, opps, sorry. Now they say they destroyed a few tapes of interrogations.

I use to believe that we as a nation stood for something. I know Bush doesn't stand for anything but himself, but what about you and me? Is torture ok? Is it alright to lie because we lied before?

We are on a dangerous road. It could end with an America that we do not recognize.

I know that there are those that think it is wrong to criticize at this point in our War on Terror. I gotta tell you, I think it's wrong not to criticize.

The Geek

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