Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's the Election Season

It's the Election Season, and as in most cold dark seasons, the facts are hibernating until things warm up. Democrat or Republican, you have to wonder about the use of liberally altered facts by the men and women that would lead our country. From one debate to the next the only real issue is who will look more pissed off, or who will tell the biggest "mis-representation" of the truth.

Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for many of the ideas I hear. I just can not believe that people who want our trust can be so full of, well, horse hockey. Maybe it's that they do not want our trust, maybe they believe if they just lie often enough and long enough, it's the truth.

As George Castansa said to Jerry, "Jerry if you believe it, it not a lie"

Thankfully, there is which will at least try to figure out the truth. If you haven't visited there, please do so. Yes you feel a little disoriented when you realize the bull that is being feed to all. Yes it is a little unfortunate that this is what our politics have become. Isn't time we changed this, it's our government.

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