Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Vern, from someplace in Virginia wrote last week to ask why I didn't express an opinion on Microsoft's proposed acquisition of Yahoo. I know that everyone is calling this MicroHoo, but to me it's MicroYawn. Who cares?

Now I do not subscribe to the Microsoft is evil, Bill Gates is the spawn of Satan theory of the world. I think Microsoft, while not the greatest developer of software and a really lousy developer of products, has done a tremendous job at bringing technology to the masses. I don't love them, but I don't hate them either.

I keep reading opinion that Microsoft will destroy Yahoo. Yahoo, Geekettes, is not killin' them in the business. Great portal, no idea how to make money at it. Pretty good content, but...

So why does everyone care so much. Because sometimes bigger is not better. Because we hate Microsoft, because Google is good but Bill is bad.

I think that Microsoft looking for another business is good. Let them do for search what they did for operating systems, make them cheap and reasonably accessible. If the develop a good web word processor, great. If not, who cares.

Go for it.

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